
For Want of an Air Conditioner Part 3

Our on-site job in Newalla was going terribly. The first day went great until we discovered our trim was cut wrong, and decided to come back and finish on the second day. The second day was going reasonably well until I needed a couple things from the truck, only to...

For Want of an Air Conditioner Part 2

After a stop by the hardware store for a pallet of blocks, we made our way back to our Newalla job site. We had transferred all the necessary tools to the truck with A/C the evening before, so we were confident it would just take a little while to finish up. It was...

10 Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Storage Shed

Who are you buying from? Remember, many shed dealers have very little control over quality, lead time, or warranty issues because they are simply selling for a manufacturer as a retail location. Research the actual manufacturer and ensure they are a reputable company....

For Want of an Air Conditioner Part I

Our on-site truck is getting on up in age and miles and has been for several years. It is a great truck for going out on location and constructing a building. The tool bed allows us to keep our guns, hoses, saws, nails, hand tools, etc., stocked and ready. All the...

Wow! We Have Come a Long Way.

The evolution of the portable building industry from a sideline to a major player with suppliers focused on innovative products has been fun to watch. Today, we use a forklift to place full lifts of beautiful, uniformly cut 2x4s into our cantilever racks. Hinges and...

The Summer of the Skunks

How many skunks does it take to make too many? Let me tell you about the summer of the skunks at our shop is Byars, OK. First, you should know that Byars is not a bustling metropolis. The population hovers around 250. Better Barns, where I have been gainfully employed...