Shed Accessories & Upgrades

Customize your portable shed or barn

Cap blocks or concrete blocks $5.00
Ramp planks (set of 2) $125.00

Double steps $65.00
Radiant barrier (per sq ft) 1.00/sq ft
12″x12″ roof vent (shingle roof only) $65.00
8″x16″ wall vent $18.00

4×4 Pegboard Organization Center $75.00

4×8 Pegboard Organization Center $95.00 

Shelving (per linear foot)
Single shelves $8.00/ft
Double shelves $15.00/ft

Paint upgrade Add 5%
Unpainted (primer only) Subtract 5%

2’x3′ single pane $105.00
3’x3′ single pane $120.00
2’x3′ double pane $210.00
3’x3′ double pane $245.00

Onsite construction Add 30%

Porches (4′ deep, no railing, railing add $20.00 per linear foot)
8′ wide $950.00
10′ wide $1075.00
12′ wide $1,200.00
14′ wide $1,425.00
16′ wide $1,850.00

Additional Storage Lofts (4′ deep)
8′ wide $180.00
10′ wide $205.00
12′ wide $280.00
14′ wide $415.00
16′ wide $445.00

Main Doors
8’x7′ roll-up door $925.00
Upgrade 4′ double doors to 5′ or 6′ $150.00

Walk-Thru Doors
36″x72″ solid $465.00
36″x72″ 9-Lite $495.00
36″x80″ solid $490.00
36″x80″ 9-Lite $520.00
Pre-finished 36″x80″ 9-Lite (urethaned) $1025.00

Prices subject to change without notice, and do not include sales tax.
Products may be subject to temporary materials surcharges.

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