Better Barns uses three rent to own companies:


Carports contracts may be handled by any of our rent-to-own companies. Need assistance? Email us at or call the Rental line at 405-783-4309.

Dallen Wright Rentals, LLC

Which name appears on your payment book? Don’t remember?
Do you remember your account or customer number? DWR uses 4 digit numbers, that begin with 1 or 2. Legacy uses a 5 digit number, beginning with 5.

Contracts that began in 2016 and before are from DWR.

Legacy Investment Group, LLC

If you have a RTO carport, that is through Legacy.

Still not sure? Email us at or call the Rental line at 405-783-4309

Valley Ventures, LLC

Valley Ventures is our newest rent to own company.

New contracts after April 2020 may be through Valley Ventures.